
 2021-04-08 10:04

摘 要







Research on Marketing Strategy Innovation of Hai Di Lao


In the vigorous development of China's catering industry environment, this paper in Sichuan Hai Di Lao Co., Ltd(Company, Limited) as the research object, this paper discusses the problems in the development process, and design for Hai Di Lao future development strategies.First, this paper summarizes the research background, research purpose and significance, research methods and research status at home and abroad. Second, to Hai Di Lao co., LTD. Overview on the current situation of marketing, and then analyzes the problems of Hai Di Lao co., LTD., using SWOT analysis method, then carefully analyses the Hai Di Lao's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Finally, by investigating part of the crowd, and understand the customer's attitude toward the bottom of the sea fishing and evaluation, analysis, investigation found that the problem put forward Suggestions for improvement.

In this paper, through research and analysis conclusions are as follows:

First, Hai Di Lao mainly four problems in the process of operation, the performance of the product quality problems, excessive service create excessive expectation, brand trust issues as well as the "rule of man" and "empowerment" block chain management.

Second, the SWOT analysis results show that Hai Di Lao brand prestige, service quality compared with peers, large scale and advanced management mode of advantages, the rapid development of catering industry also provides a good opportunity, at the same time it still has the threat of economic globalization and the replacement.

Third, according to the situation of the development of Hai Di Lao, combined with the SWOT analysis as a result, the design of the main development strategy of Hai Di Lao: advertising innovation strategy, product innovation strategy, cost strategy and enterprise innovation strategy, provides constructive Suggestions for Hai Di Lao.

Keywords: Hai Di Lao. Service marketing; SWOT analysis; innovation

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景(问题的提出) - 1 -

1.2研究的目的和意义 - 2 -

1.3 国内外研究现状 - 2 -

1.4研究内容与研究方法 - 3 -

2 海底捞营销现状和存在的主要问题分析 - 4 -

2.1海底捞发展的历程 - 4 -

2.2海底捞现有营销策略分析 - 4 -

2.3 海底捞营销中存在的问题 - 8 -

3 海底捞SWOT分析 - 10 -

3.1 优势分析(Strengths) - 10 -

3.2 劣势分析(Weaknesses) - 11 -

3.3 机会分析(Opportunities) - 11 -

3.4 威胁分析(Threats) - 12 -

4 问卷调查设计 - 13 -

4.1 调查问卷内容设计 - 13 -

4.2 数据收集 - 13 -

5 数据统计和分析 - 14 -

5.1 被调查人群的人口特征 - 14 -

5.2海底捞顾客的忠诚度 - 15 -

5.3 被调查人群不去海底捞的原因 - 16 -

5.4 被调查人群对海底捞的评价 - 17 -

6 营销策略创新的构想 - 19 -

6.1广告创新策略 - 19 -

6.2产品创新策略 - 19 -

6.3成本创新策略 - 20 -

6.4内部管理创新策略 - 20 -

结 论 - 22 -

致 谢 - 23 -

参考文献 - 24 -

附录A - 25 -





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