
 2021-04-08 10:04

摘 要


20世纪80年代,由于全球经济一体化和企业竞争的激烈化程度不断加深,公共关系营销受到西方学者和企业界的普遍关注。21世纪公共关系营销理论更是成为企业市场营销的重要指导思想之一。虽然我国已有学者从实践的角度分析过我国企业关系营销的策略,但由于企业类型的多样化,营销的模式和策略很难统一, 所以国内对关系营销理论的研究相对较少。



The Research of Public Relations Marketing about Jiangsu Lopal Petrochemical Company


Nowadays, companies only maintaining technology leadership or productivity leading have been far from the demands of market. Customers become the core competitiveness between enterprises. Enterprises must apply good strategies of public relations to the company practices, through the coordination of relations with the public, companies can more scientifically take advantage of the different factors in market competition, so it can enable the enterprises to operate and manage more effectively.

In the 1980 of the 20th century, with the global economic integration and the fierce competition between the companies, Western scholars and the business communities have paid more and more attention to the public relationship marketing. The Public relations marketing theory becomes the one of the important guiding ideologies for 21st century enterprises marketing. Although some Chinese scholars already have analyzed the public relations marketing strategy for the enterprises from the perspective of the practices, for the diverse types of Chinese enterprises, it is very difficult to establish the uniform approach and strategy for this, so the studies on the relationship marketing theories are few in China.

For this situation, the paper starts with the background of relationship marketing theory, using the theory of public relations related marketing knowledge, focuses researches and studies on the private enterprise in Jiangsu - LOPAL. From the establishment of LOPAL’s relationship marketing strategy, it points out the meaning of using the strategy for LOPAL’s long-term development, besides, put forward the enterprise crisis public relations problem. At the same time, the paper points out the shortcomings of LOPAL public relations marketing and puts forward relevant solving measures. In the end, the significance of public relations marketing strategy for the enterprise future development, it is not only the need of enterprises under the market economy development, but also important challenges for our country's public relations.

Key words:Relations marketing; Enterprise public relations; Lopal; Crisis public relations

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 问题的提出 2

1.4 课题研究方法 3

2 企业公共关系溯源 4

2.1 企业公共关系内涵 4

2.2 公共关系构成要素 4

2.2.1 公共关系主体——社会组织 4

2.2.2 公共关系客体——公众 4

2.2.3 公共关系中介环节——信息传播 5

2.3 公共关系基本特征 5

2.3.1 形象至上 5

2.3.2 沟通为本 5

2.3.3 互惠互利 5

2.3.4 真实真诚 5

2.3.5 长远观点 5

2.4 公共关系在企业运营中的重要性 6

3 龙蟠润滑油企业分析 7

3.1 企业简介 7

3.1.1 品牌内涵 7

3.1.2 企业荣誉 8

3.2 润滑油市场分析 8

3.2.1 龙蟠润滑油的快速成长 9

3.2.2 龙蟠润滑油企业业务能力分析——SWOT分析 9

4 龙蟠润滑油内部公共关系营销策略构建 10

4.1 企业内部公共关系内涵 10

4.2 员工关系构建 10

4.2.1 员工的招聘 10

4.2.2 员工的管理 10

4.2.3 员工的福利 11

4.3 企业文化构建 11

4.3.1 企业文化内涵 11

4.3.2 打造创新型企业文化 11

5 龙蟠润滑油外部公共关系营销策略构建 13

5.1 企业外部公共关系内涵 13

5.2 龙蟠润滑油企业定位 13

5.2.1 生态节约型企业 13

5.2.2 技术创新型企业 13

5.2.3 质量优先型企业 13

5.3 企业外部公共关系构建 14

5.3.1 稳固良好客户关系 14

5.3.2 积极建立媒体合作关系 15

5.3.3 积极承担社会责任 16

5.3.4 外部公关营销活动展示——以大型挑战赛“飞跃冰河”为例 20

6 龙蟠润滑油企业社会形象调查分析 22

6.1 调查背景及目的 22

6.2 调查对象及方法 22

6.3 问卷的有效性 22

6.4 问卷分析 22

6.4.1 龙蟠润滑油企业公众知悉情况 22

6.4.2 龙蟠润滑油产品的公众使用情况 23

6.4.3 龙蟠润滑油企业在公众中的印象 23

6.4.4 龙蟠润滑油的公众传播效果 24

6.4.5 龙蟠润滑油企业社会责任 24

7 龙蟠润滑油公共关系营销体系存在的问题 25

7.1 企业对公共关系的认识不足 25

7.1.1 缺少独立的公共关系部门 25

7.1.2 公关人才的培养意识薄弱 25

7.2 企业公关活动传播维护不到位 25

7.3 企业公关危机管理机制的缺乏 26

8 龙蟠润滑油公共关系营销应用对策分析 27

8.1 树立正确的公共关系意识 27

8.1.1 培养科学的公关意识 27

8.1.2 树立积极传播的公关意识 27

8.1.3 树立文明竞争的公关意识 28

8.2 注重公关人才的培养 28

8.3 塑造品牌形象,加强企业文化建设 28

8.4 定期组织专题公共关系活动 29

8.5 完善公共关系的信息收集渠道 29

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