
 2021-04-08 09:04

摘 要




A Study on the Influencing Factors of English APP Product Selection: A Case Study of Baicizhan


At this stage, APP products in our country are becoming more and more important as the key development target of the Internet industry. Facing the complicated international and domestic environment, with the promotion of 4G in smart phones and the arrival of 5G era, the upgrading of information technology is changing the way of education and learning.  Mobile learning is gradually spreading, and mobile learning and English learning are moving towards a joint. English language education and learning has become a hot research topic in academia.

Based on the above background, this paper focuses on the high visibility of English APP products, focusing the research object on the group of college students, using the combination of literature research and investigation, to explore the factors influencing the selection of English APP products, the results found:The way words are remembered, the size of the software memory,and whether to pay for customers of different grades Groups have a positive impact, and a good software memory size can increase the amount of downloads in the English learning APP itself, and the way the word is read to the English language learning APP download volume has a certain predictive effect, at the same time, the English language learning APP production product network marketing strategy and individual in the purchase of English language learning there is a tilt between the choice of APP products forward to related relationships,individuals in when selected more tend to the star advertising marketing.

Key words: Baicizhan, English APP, products selection

目 录

1 引言 - 1 -

1.1研究背景和意义 - 1 -

1.1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.2研究意义 - 2 -

1.2研究内容和研究方法 - 3 -

1.2.1研究内容 - 3 -

1.2.2研究方法 - 3 -

2 理论基础及概念界定 - 4 -

2.1理论基础 - 4 -

2.1.1 理性选择理论 - 4 -

2.1.2 4P营销理论 - 4 -

2.2核心概念界定 - 5 -

2.2.1手机APP - 5 -

2.2.2英语类APP产品 - 5 -

3 英语APP产品市场概述 - 6 -

3.1英语APP产品相关研究 - 6 -

3.2百词斩APP简介 - 6 -

4 实证分析 - 8 -

4.1 研究假设 - 8 -

4.2 调查设计 - 8 -

4.2.1调查目的 - 8 -

4.2.2调查对象 - 8 -

4.2.4 问卷设计 - 9 -

4.3问卷结果 - 10 -

4.3.1效度分析 - 10 -

4.3.2信度分析 - 11 -

4.4样本在各指标上的描述性统计量 - 11 -

4.5不同性别的样本在各测量指标得分上的差异 - 12 -

4.6 不同年级的样本在各测量指标得分上的差异 - 12 -

4.7个体选择倾向的影响因素 - 14 -

4.8 进一步讨论 - 15 -

5 小结与建议 - 17 -

致 谢 - 18 -

参考文献 - 19 -

附录A - 20 -






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