
 2021-04-08 09:04

摘 要


关键词:民族品牌 新能源 营销策略

On National Brand Strategy of New Energy Coupe: Based on SWOT Analysis

With the depletion of energy sources and the continuous increase of environmental pollution, new energy vehicles are an inevitable trend for the development of the world's automotive industry in the future. The automotive industry is facing a new round of opportunities and challenges. China's national automobile manufacturers should adapt to the trend of the times and vigorously develop new energy vehicles. With the depletion of energy sources and increasingly severe environmental pollution, new energy vehicles have become an important choice in the future. If ethnic enterprises want to gain a foothold in the development of new energy vehicles, marketing promotion is particularly important, but there are still many problems in the marketing of new energy vehicles. Under the new situation, traditional marketing strategies have been severely challenged. In order to be able to adapt to the requirements of the development of the times in the future, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the research on the marketing strategy for new energy vehicles. Only in this way can we truly adapt to the development requirements of the actual situation.

This article first introduced the basic marketing theory, and then proceeded from the actual situation to analyze in detail the current national brand new energy vehicles industry status and development process, and use SWOT analysis to analyze in detail the external opportunities and challenges facing its development and internal advantages and disadvantages. Take BYD as an example again, using SWOT analysis and combining with the current marketing environment, focusing on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of its marketing strategy. Finally, the comprehensive SWOT analysis and case analysis, combined with the 4P marketing theory, summed up a reasonable and effective national brand new energy car marketing strategy improvement suggestions to help the national brand new energy cars in the market to develop steadily.

Keywords: national brand ; new energy vehicle : marketing strategy


1.前言 6

1.1研究背景与目的 6

1.2文献回顾 6

1.3本文结构 8
2.新能源小轿车营销环境机会与威胁分析 8

2.1新能源小轿车的概念与分类 9

2.2我国新能源小轿车的发展概况 9

2.3机会分析 10

2.4威胁分析 11

3 民族品牌优势与劣势分析 13

3.1优势 13

3.2劣势 13

4 比亚迪品牌案例分析 15
4.1比亚迪品牌竞争地位 15

4.2产品策略 15

4.3价格策略 16

4.4营销沟通策略 16

4.5促销策略 17

4.6总结 18

5民族品牌营销策略改进建议 19

5.1产品策略 19

5.2价格策略 19

5.3营销沟通策略 20
5.4促销策略 20

结论 21

致谢 21

参考文献 22





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