
 2021-04-08 09:04

摘 要


本文整体分为四个部分,第一部分从共享经济的大环境出发,根据共享经济的相关理论研究共享经济在全球和中国的发展现状,发现目前共享经济发展势态良好,国内经济发展转型的需求,现有政策方针有利于共享经济的发展。第二部分通过对互联网以及相关新兴科技的研究来探讨大学生图书资源共享所会遇到的机遇及挑战。目前网络及科技的发展首先会为共享资源的管理和配置提供很大的便利与技术上的可行性,但也会因图书资源的特异点而产生一定的阻碍。第三部分将大学生现有图书资源的种类以及购书后对图书资源的处理行为进行了一定的解析。第四部分在参考现有的图书资源共享模式和基于5w H的策略分析下,提出了几种可行性较高的校内图书共享方式,这些方式均结合了目前共享商业模式线上线下各自的优点和校内图书资源类别较为集中的特点来进行设计。


Analysis of the College’s Book Resource Sharing Pattern and Strategy


The rapid development of mobile Internet technologies has enabled the sharing economy to be embedded in people's daily lives in a variety of ways, and has also facilitated the efficient and convenient communication and transaction of social resources. This article aims at the research object of college students' book resources, studies their possible sharing ways, provides some suggestions for the second circulation of secondary book resources for college students, and can provide a possible reference for the study of more extensive book resource sharing.

This article is divided into four major sections. The first part begins with the sharing economy and studies the current development situation of the shared economy in the world and in China based on the theory of the shared economy. It can be found that the current sharing economy has a good development status and is based on the domestic economy. To meet the needs of development and transformation, a large part of the existing policy guidelines are paving the way for the development of a shared economy. The second part explores the opportunities and challenges faced by college students in sharing library resources through research on the Internet and related emerging technologies. Through this part we can see that the development of the current network and technology will provide great convenience for the management and configuration of shared resources, but it will also cause some obstacles due to the uniqueness of the resources of the books. In the third part, we analyze the types of college students' existing library resources and the processing behavior of library resources after the books are purchased. In the fourth part, we refer to the existing book resource sharing model and the analysis based on the 5w H strategy, and propose several highly feasible school-based book sharing methods. These methods combine the current shared business model online and offline respectively. The advantages and the relatively concentrated characteristics of the library resources in the school.

Key words:Share Economy;College Students' Book Resources ;5w Strategy Analysis

目 录

1. 绪论 4

1.1研究的背景与意义 4

1.2研究对象与相关理论 4

1.2.1交易成本理论 4

1.2.2协同消费理论 5

1.2.3多边平台理论 6

1.3共享经济现状研究 6

1.3.1全球共享经济研究现状 6

1.3.2中国共享经济研究现状 7

1.4图书资源交易现状 9

2.新兴科技对图书资源共享的影响 9

2.1新兴科技在图书资源管理上的应用 9

2.2新兴科技对大学生图书资源共享的机遇与挑战分析 10

2.2.1机遇与优势 10

2.2.2问题和挑战 11

3.大学生图书资源种类及购后行为分析 12

3.1大学生现有图书资源量及种类分析 12

3.2大学生图书资源购后行为分析 14

4.大学生图书资源共享方式与策略分析 15

4.1目前市场中已出现的图书共享方式 15

4.2基于5w H的大学生图书资源特点策略分析 16

4.3大学生图书资源共享方式设计分析 19

4.3.1基于校园社交媒体的方式 19

4.3.2与校外现有共享平台进行合作 20

4.3.3校内线下多点设立图书资源共享站 21

4.3.4定期举行校级线下共享活动 22

5.总结 24

致 谢 25

参考文献 27




共享的概念一经面世,美国、欧洲等信息技术发达的国家便迅速将其加以实践并加以发展和完善,而中国进入源于实践的现代化经济体系的新时代后,共享经济的发展也涌现出了许多亮点。据普华永道(Price Waterhous Coopers, PwC) 预 测,到2025年,全球共享经济产值可以达到300亿英镑,产业规模和发展潜力巨大。目前学界对“共享”的解读主要集中在城乡区域发展差距和居民收入差距等社会分配不公的社会层面上。共享发展理念涉及到社会、经济、文化等方方面,且近年以 Airbnb和OFO为代表的共享商业模式在很大范围内的成功和扩散,无疑是该领域值得关注的地方。而追随这些成功企业的脚步,其他许多涉及到社会生活各个方面的共享经济也有抬头之势,而本文要探讨的则是与大学生生活学习息息相关的图书资源的共享方式与策略。通过对共享经济整体大环境的考察和研究,同时借鉴成功企业的经验和发展轨迹,综合分析了大学生图书资源共享的可行性和前景。



共享经济现象最清晰直观的解释是来自于Coase,1937年提出的交易成本理论。共享经济的价值在于在拥有某项资源(资产或技能)的消费者与需要这种资源的消费者之间,对某一时间以可接受的交易成本创建一个匹配(Dervojeda et al,2013)。数字化平台的存在帮助降低了交易成本,包括搜寻成本、联系成本和签约成本等;在共享平台产生之前,许多交易因为过高的交易成本而根本无法发生。

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