
 2021-04-08 09:04

摘 要

福袋产品起源于日本,每当重大节日前后很多百货公司都会推出福袋产品,具体来说就是商家把几件同类产品装入布袋或纸盒中一同销售,这种布袋或纸盒就称为“福袋”。在消费者付钱之前商家只会透露福袋的少量信息,比如属于哪一种类,并不会告知福袋内具体是什么商品。近几年福袋产品在中国市场逐渐流行起来,利用消费者的猎奇心理而获得成功。随着电子商务的迅猛发展,福袋产品也成为许多线上商家的营销新手段,而消费者对福袋产品也给予了积极响应。 由此,本文首先回顾了福袋产品的发展历程,采用了文献调查和问卷调查法,通过SPSS软件等工具分析了影响消费者福袋产品购买意愿的因素以及消费者对福袋式销售的接受度。




Study on the influencing factors of consumers’ purchase intention of fu-bag products


Fu-bags originated in Japan, whenever major festivals before and after a lot of department stores will launch bags of products, to be specific, businesses put a few similar products into a cloth bag or carton sales, this kind of cloth bag or carton is known as "fu-bags". Before consumers pay, merchants will only disclose a small amount of information about the bags, such as which category they belong to, and will not tell them what is inside. In recent years, fu-bag products have gradually become popular in the Chinese market, and they have made use of consumers' curiosity to achieve success. With the rapid development of e-commerce, fu-bag products have become a new marketing method for many online merchants, and consumers have responded positively to fu-bag products. Therefore, this paper first reviews the development process of fu-bag products, adopts the method of literature survey and questionnaire survey, and analyzes the factors influencing consumers' purchase intention of fu-bag products and consumers' acceptance of fu-bag sales through SPSS software and other tools.

The results show that :(1) consumers are generally willing to buy fu-bag products, but the actual purchase situation is poor, far lower than their willingness to buy, and the market potential is large. (2) age, value consciousness and fun experience have a significant impact on consumers' purchase intention of fu-bags. (3) gender, income level and merchants' word of mouth have no significant influence on consumers' purchase intention of fu-bags.

Based on the research results, this paper puts forward the corresponding suggestions: the government should regulate the market supervision of fu-bag sales and establish a unified market management mechanism; Enterprises should strengthen the marketing of fu-bag products, strictly abide by the promise of the value of fu-bag products and ensure the quality of fu-bag products, increase the fun experience of consumers, enhance consumers' expectations and satisfaction of fu-bag products, and pay more attention to young consumers.

Keywords:fu-bag products;sales promotion;willingness to purchase;influence factor

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.2研究的目的及意义 - 1 -

1.3 研究现状 - 2 -

1.4研究内容与研究方法 - 2 -

1.4.1研究内容 - 2 -

1.4.2研究方法 - 3 -

2 福袋产品营销的发展现状与问题分析 - 5 -

2.1福袋产品的概念与特征 - 5 -

2.2福袋产品的发展过程 - 5 -

2.2.1福袋产品的起源 - 5 -

2.2.2福袋产品在我国的兴起 - 6 -

2.3福袋产品营销存在的问题 - 7 -

3 研究假设与理论模型构建 - 8 -

3.1研究变量 - 8 -

3.2研究假设 - 9 -

3.3模型建构 - 10 -

4 消费者福袋产品购买意愿的影响因素实证研究 - 12 -

4.1问卷调查与描述性分析 - 12 -

4.1.1问卷设计与量表设计 - 12 -

4.1.2抽样方法与样本选择 - 13 -

4.1.3消费者对福袋产品购买意愿的描述性分析 - 13 -

4.2调查问卷的信度分析 - 15 -

4.3调查问卷的效度分析 - 16 -

4.4消费者对福袋产品购买意愿影响因素的因子分析 - 17 -

4.5消费者对福袋产品购买意愿影响因素的多元回归分析 - 19 -

5 结论及建议 - 23 -

5.1研究结论 - 23 -

5.2对策建议 - 24 -

5.3研究局限与展望 - 25 -

致谢 - 27 -

参考文献 - 28 -

附录 - 30 -

1 绪论







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